Phunnel Star

Phunnel Star


Phunnel bowl accessory

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The Phunnel Star is a simple accessory, which will essential when using certain types of phunnel bowls. The star function is to deviate the airflow going through the central hole of your Phunnel bowl. To make this simple, the star shape transforms your Phunnel bowl into a Vortex bowl.


The star is very practical when you're using your phunnel bowl with aluminum foil. The star will act as a protection layer that will prevent the aluminum foil to stick to the phunnel hole (and thus prevent from plugging it!).


The second important use of the phunnel star is for heat management screen bowl users such as Volkan or Brohood. When you use a chimney bowl and grid, the center axis is aligned directly with the hole of your phunnel bowl. When taking draws, the air slips directly into the hole of the phunnel without being heated, it's thus sometimes hard to get huge smoke clouds and intense heating. By deviating the airflow, and forcing it through shisha tobacco, the phunnel star will improve the functioning of your hookah and allow you to get big smoke clouds.


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